Western Times

Exeter Petty Sessions

Wednesday, 27th March 1895

At the Castle of Exeter yesterday before Mr W. T. Bayne (chairman), Mr C. J. Webber, and Mr T. Kekewich, Jemima James, a gipsy, was summoned for not having her name painted on her van.

P.C. Gammon stated that he saw defendant with the van near Broadclyst Station. There was no name on the vehicle. She also had a trap, on which her name was painted. Defendant denied that the van belonged to her. The magistrates fined her 6d and 9s 6d costs.

Defendant (surprised);

'What! for that name, sir?'

The Chairman;

'Yes, or a week with hard labour.'


'Well, I must take the week, I have got no money.'

After a few minutes reflection the defendant paid the money.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Western Times - Wednesday, 27th March 1895
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Jemima James