ROMANI | Census Records

Housed here, you will find a large (and growing larger by the day) selection of Romany & Traveller Census Records & Entries ...

While birth, marriage & death records offer a wealth of information regarding our Romany & Traveller ancestors, census records are equally as informative and in certain aspects, offer far more information regarding family units or inter-family relationships if two or more families can be found encamped together.

It should be noted however, that while these records are useful, they should also be viewed with some caution because the information taken by the census enumerator isn't always 100% correct and occasionally, the information was given by a family purposely to mislead authority.

A final word of caution; Literacy was patchy at best even among official record takers and the spelling of names, occupations, birth locations, etc. tended to be based on the sound and was obviously error prone at times, probably not helped with the difficulty of understanding certain accents.

Places of birth listed, while sometimes correct, should also be taken with some skepticism as to their complete accuracy.

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Year  Surname  Forename(s)  Age Location 
{{data.eventDate | date:'yyyy'}} {{data.surname}} {{data.forenames}} {{data.age}} {{data.location}} View Household