Western Mail

On Norton Fitzwarren Churchyard

Thursday, 13th November 1890

... This burial ground has many interesting associations.
Many years ago the then lord of the manor had a partiality for gypsies. He encouraged them to settle down upon a piece of land which he placed at their disposal, and the rector of the parish likewise made friends of them, and frequently conducted Divine service in their encampment. So warm a feeling of friendship was created that after the camp broke up the gypsies bore the place in fond remembrance and those who died upon their travels were, by their earnest wish, conveyed to Norton for burial.
Consequently, in this quiet resting-place for the dead are to be found tombstones erected to the memory of various members of the Stanley tribe, which claim royal rights in the race.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Western Mail - Thursday, 13th November 1890
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Stanley