Western Times

Totnes Petty Sessions

Thursday, 15th September 1870

County Magistracy, Monday, Before R. Durant, Esq., in the chair, R. H. Watson, and A. Champernowne, Esqrs.

John Hall, Edward Smith, Henry Smith, and Caroline Penfold, hawkers, were summoned by Moses Small, hawker, with assaulting him on the first day of Totnes races. Mr. F. Kellock appeared for Small, and Mr. Baker defended. Cross summonses were taken out against Small by Caroline Penfold and John Hall for assaulting them at the same time and place.

The cases were partly heard on the previous Monday, and after some additional evidence had been taken, the Bench dismissed Hall and the two Smiths, but sentenced Moses Small to one month's imprisonment and Caroline Penfold to one week's imprisonment.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Western Times - Thursday, 15th September 1870
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Caroline Penfold
  • Edward Smith
  • Henry Smith
  • John Hall
  • Moses Small