Essex Standard

Storming a Gipsy Encampment at Little Clacton

Friday, 2nd September 1842

A horde of these vagabonds having encamped in a road in Little Clacton on Tuesday week, Mr. John Smith, of Alton Park, Great Clacton, served them with notice to quit, which being disregarded, he at eleven o'clock on the same night procured the assistance of Policeman Lucking, and two other persons, and took possession of the encampment, where they found five women and a lad, whom they secured. The men belonging to the tribe (who are supposed to have been on a foraging excursion) were not taken.

On the following morning the prisoners, who gave their names; Elisabeth Buckley, Sarah Buckley, Mary Brown, Susannah Brown, Mary Taylor, and Theophilus Buckley, were taken before John Martin Leake, Esq., of Thorpe Hall, by whom they were committed for fourteen days to the County House of Correction at Colchester. Immediately on their committal, Superintendant Bradshaw, of the Thorp Station, proceeded to Clacton and took possession of all their baggage, two horses, etc. The property seized is of a very miscellaneous character, much of which has doubtless been obtained by plunder, and the present affair may probably throw some light upon robberies committed in different parts of the county.

Among the articles were 10 silver spoons (some of them marked), copper boilers and tea kettles, nearly new; quantity of china, women's wearing apparel of every description, 32 pawn brokers duplicates, carpeting, and (as the auctioneers say) 'numerous other effects'.

The property is in the custody of Superintendant Bradshaw.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Essex Standard - Friday, 2nd September 1842
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Elisabeth Buckley
  • Mary Taylor
  • Mary Brown
  • Sarah Buckley
  • Susannah Brown
  • Theophilus Buckley