Chester Courant

A Singular Character

Tuesday, 23rd April 1799

A few days since, one of the people called Gypsies, whose name was Ann Day, died at the age of 108 years under a hedge near Henlow, Bedfordshire, and was buried at Arlesey, near that town. Her funeral was attended by a vast concourse of people from the neighbouring villages; but by only two of the people to which she belonged who called themselves her son and daughter, the former 82, and the latter 85 years of age, each having great grand-children.

This well-known character was for many years past conveyed round the country upon an ass; attended by two or three females of her own complexion, She had grown almost double; she has often declared that she never slept in a bed for 70 years, and for the last 40 years she had not a tooth in her head, nor sight but by one eye; She lost three of her toes about 12 years ago by the frost, and at the same time lost the use of one of her arms.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Chester Courant - Tuesday, 23rd April 1799
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Ann Day