Northampton Mercury

Committed to Worcester Castle

Saturday, 17th September 1791

Tuesday last Daniel Fowler and Wm. Fowler, (two Gypsies) were committed, one to Worcester Castle, and the other to the Bridewell there, on a strong suspicion of being concerned with others, in the murder of Edw. Gomery, his wife, and daughter, and Thomas Sheen, his wife's brother, at Orpan's-Cross, in the parish of Berrow, near Birch-Morton Court, about 4 miles from Malvern, in Worcestershire, on the 7th of May, 1780.

The above men belong to a gang of Gypsies who have long infested the neighbourhood of Worcestershire, and were apprehended on the confession of William Jones, another Gypsey, now under sentence of transportation, in Worcester city gaol, for stealing a gold ring; and in all probability the whole of this gang, who committed the horrid murder, will be brought to justice, as diligent search is making after them, tho' committed eleven years ago.

The number of the gang consisted of is computed to be seven. A dispute amongst the Gypsies, 'tis said, brought the above transaction to light.

With Thanks To:
The British Newspaper Archives

Original Article/Image Copyright:
Image © The British Library Board. All Rights Reserved.

Extracted From:
Northampton Mercury - Saturday, 17th September 1791
Click here to view the original page @ The British Newspaper Archives.



  • Daniel Fowler
  • William Jones
  • William Fowler